Download a more convenient way to ship and track. Use the FedEx® Mobile app to help you to request to manage your FedEx packages. Its easy to use and compatible with your watch.
• Enrol onto FedEx Delivery Manager® to take control of your deliveries*
• Interactive map view to help you track packages in near-real time*
• Request to hold a package at a nearby FedEx location or set a holiday hold for all of your packages*
• Leave delivery instructions for your driver*
• Sign for packages from your phone*
• Enable mobile push notifications*
• Enrol onto Shop & Track to view the status of online orders (even if it’s not shipped by FedEx). You can even search by tracking number, order number, merchant and more*
• View photo proof of residential delivery once your package arrives or a delivery attempt when a delivery is missed*
• Display the drivers name and photo, if available. Availability is limited.
• Track from your home screen with a widget
• Scan door tags to see options for missed deliveries*
• Create a domestic or international mobile shipment label, then print it from your phone or get a QR code and let us print it for you**
• Use your phone to measure your package for more accurate rates
• Get shipping rates
• Request to schedule and manage pickups**
Optimise your FedEx experience by allowing the following permissions: Biometric Log in, Location, Camera and Push Notifications. These permissions will allow you to log in easily, find nearby drop-off locations, scan barcodes, measure packages and get instant status updates.
*Available in some regions.
**Shipping administration rules apply.